HOME / Máquinas EPE /What Are The Advantages of EPE Foam? - China RunJie Machinery
There are multiple advantages of EPE foam, which we will be listing down in this section:
1. Extremely Flexible:
EPE foam is a very flexible material compared to other forms of foam. EPE thus gives most protection for oddly shaped objects.
2. Superior Shock Absorbency:
The closed cell structure of EPE foam makes it able to withstand and absorb high amounts of shock or stress and provide good cushioning to the object it is covering.
3. Regains Form Easily:
Another advantage of expanded polyethylene is that it quickly regains its original shape after the source of stress or shock has been removed. It cannot be broken, fractured, crumbled, or shattered.
4. Resistance To Chemicals:
EPE foam is highly resistant to strong corrosive chemicals like solvents, acids and alkalis. This makes it suitable for providing a barrier or shield for extra protection while storing and handling these chemicals.
5. Resistance to Water/ Moisture:
The chemical structure of expanded polyethylene foam makes it almost impermeable. EPE therefore does not absorb water or allow it to pass through. It is thus used as water protection for materials.
6. Resistance to Static:
Some forms of EPE are highly resistant to static and thus do not attract dust and other tiny particles to its surface.
7. Insulation Properties:
EPE foam has very low thermal conductivity and thus offers the best insulation against heat.
8. Non Toxic And Food Safe:
EPE foam is non toxic, and thus can be used for food packaging. It is also resistant to the growth of microbes and fungi on its surface. It is odourless.
9. Ease of Handling:
EPE foam is fairly easy to use. It is easily cut, moulded, shaped and glued to other objects or to itself. It can easily be shaped into various objects without the use of expensive equipment or moulds.
10. Extremely Light Weight:
Although quite tough, EPE foam is very lightweight, thus making it easy to transport and handle. It can be used for a wide variety of applications due to this property.
11. Usable Temperature Range:
EPE foam can be used within the temperature range of 40 to 70 degrees without affecting its structure or any of its properties thus making it very suitable for a wide variety of applications that require heat or electrical insulation.
12. Aesthetics:
EPE foam can be dyed in a variety of colours, thus allowing for colour coding or purely aesthetic applications.
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